Friday, January 06, 2012

Tesla's Little Secret

Here is a guy who claims that we can tap the "radiant energy in the atmosphere" by setting up a lighting rod with metal ball on the end, then tapping the current between the sky and the earth. Seems quite plausible. He says we can get about 50-volts per foot in terms of the height of the pole. More importantly, he describes a basic circuit that will create an alternating current, allowing the energy captured to be transmitted to storage or for work.

Also, he says Russell Athletic was founded in 1902?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

first, the voltage per foot is not real
second, the is a difference between voltage and power
power is a product of voltage and current
it is the case on most power sources that when you start to pull current from them, their voltage falls off dramatically - hence you might have a nearly dead battery that has full voltage, till you apply a load to it and start to pull current