Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Morality of Liberals Vs. Conservatives

Question: Blue-Pill or Red-Pill? Can you escape the matrix?

The Myth of Violence

It is my understanding that our brains ability to reason evolved quickly over the last 100,000 years because of constant culling of people through the process of WAR. We are the animal that, like most top predators, has evolved through competition with our own kind. Everyone alive today owes their mental ability to the violence of our ancestors. The question, then, is not why are people violent, but why not?

  • Hobbes - The Laviathen - Anarchy = Violence :: Government = Peace; Mutually Assured Destruction: Shoot him before he shoots me.
  • Payne - Life is cheap - Technology = Life
  • Robert Right - Non-Zero Sum Games - Win-Win = Value
  • Peter Singer - Empathy : Friends and Family - Expanding Circle, village, clan, tribe, nation, sexes, species ...
The Golden Rule should always be stated in the NEGATIVE: "Do NOT do unto others, that which you would NOT have them do unto you."

Wednesday, August 03, 2011


This is not trivial...
Most people are entirely unconscious to these filters, they don't recognize that they hold bias when they listen.
  • Culture
  • Language
  • Values
  • Beliefs
  • Attitudes
  • Expectations
  • Intentions
We need conscious listening.
A world where we don't listen to each other at all is a very scary place indeed.

5 -tools:
1) Silence (3-minutes/day)
2) Mixer (go to a noisy place, and figure out how many channels)
3) Savoring (pick a mundane sound and really listen to it)
4) Listening Positions (active/passive, reductive/expansive, CRITICAL/Empathic)
5) RASA - Receive, Appreciate, Summarize, Ask

Every Human Being has to Listen Consciously,
Listening needs to be taught in schools as a skill.