It is important to note that Lucid Dreaming is very dangerous. Most people don't remember most of their dreams, and there is good reason for this. While we sleep, our brains are not just resting, they are re-tooling, laying down new growth by expanding neurons, and eliminating unused paths that are taking space and energy. Chemicals are infused into our brain when we are asleep to detach our body, otherwise we would sleep walk, or worse. Imagine what would happen if you lived in a tenth floor apartment and had a lucid dream that you could defy gravity? But that's not the real danger. Dreams take real world experiences from our memories and re-run them over and over to strengthen our memory, and workout any problems or lapses in understanding. To do that the dreams go to the extremes of the possible, and beyond, to test every possible outcome of our real world experience. If you didn't forget your dream upon waking, you would remember these impossible scenarios as if they were real memories. This would lead to magical thinking, and what some call 'divine experience'. It is this creating of false memories that plagues some with sleep disorders, just as the sleep deprived have memory problems from forgetfulness, those who loose the ability to distinguish dreams and reality risk not just the accuracy of their memory, but their ability to make rational choices.
Practiced responsibly by a mature mind, Lucid Dreaming ( ) can spur creativity and solutions to problems. Practiced without discipline and understanding it leads to the destruction of society via all forms of insanity.
It is my personal theory that the vast increase in psychotropic prescription drugs in the USA has lead to such mental breakdown in a large part of the society. When added to poor diet, alcohol, tobacco use, and illicit drug taking, this has hampered the ability of Americans to make rational decisions in the public political and economic areas.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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