Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Former FBI Agent Explains How to Read Body Language | Tradecraft | WIRED

If "how you dress, and how you walk, have meaning", then they MUST be protected as speech under the 1st Amendment. 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

American Gnosticism and the Prosperity Gospel: From #tRump to Q-Anon

The final enemy is at hand, it is the mystical, paradoxical thinking of religion.

American Gnosticism and the Prosperity Gospel have infected our democracy, challenging reason as a way to 'truth', allowing those without rational thought to successfully size power.

They adopt words of wisdom, reversing their meaning, to create their own subjective reality, forcing it upon us, using our own liberal democratic rules.

They fear intellectuals, scientists, and journalists, for they need a self-fufilling prophecy to accept the authority that enslaves them. "The harder you push against it, the stronger it becomes."

Listen, and save the children.

Monday, October 05, 2020

Confucius (or, What to Do When Elites Break The Rules) | Philosophy Tube

"Chu" - 'Do NOT do unto others as you would NOT want them to do unto you', is exactly what Grandmaster Kong meant. Evangelicals do unto others, Confusions do NOT do unto others. LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!