This is simple. There is only one thing we can know, existence. Everything else is extrapolated. So, we are alone. All consciousness is individual, and we have no direct access to the minds of others (yet). Therefore, logic dictates that the universe as we experience it is solipsistic, amoral, and singular. That is our starting point.
Friday, November 09, 2012
Murray Energy Corp. CEO Enters 'Survival Mode' After Obama Reelection, Announces Layoffs
This is really good news, thank you for reporting. It's far past time we stopped subsidizing carbon-fuel industries and started shutting them down. As we switch over to a fully renewable energy economy, millions of new jobs will be created, and we can only hope that we see more carbon-fuel fat cats throwing in the towel. People are beginning to realize the effects of global warming and ocean acidification are going to affect them in their lifetime, and we need to work together to limit the suffering.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Friday, October 19, 2012
The real costs of the Bush recession
Bloomberg filed F.O.I.A. record requests and eventually, after the Supreme Court decided not to hear the case, got the records from the Federal Reserve, but two years after the damage was done. The Fed. argued that if the 'emergency loans' were revealed in 'real-time' that such information would cause a national security risk as people would make a run on their member banks if they knew how bad the crisis truly was. (more)
If you don't understand fractional reserve banking: when a bank get's free money made out of thin-air from the Federal Reserve, it can loan out 90% of that new money at interest. Then as their customers use that money it returns to the banks where they again loan out 90% at interest. This creates a multiplier effect, making ever dollar in new created money into $10 (at interest).
At just 5% interest rates, it only takes two years for the banks to repay the initial 'emergency loan' (interest free), using income generated out of thin-air. Yet, the newly created currency, 9 times the original loans, remains in the economy, devaluating the existing currency (inflation). The great thing is that all the CEO's got bonuses based upon the new volume of transactions. In this way the entire economy absorbs the paper losses on home mortgages, while the banks that should have failed, survive. The hidden tax is the inflation, which hits those with savings hardest, those who own homes lose either equity or the value of their currency, eliminating any gains in the value of their property. Use this link to get the raw data spreadsheet of Federal Reseve Loans:
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Breaking Rank with Police
Norm Stamper, author of Breaking Rank, established 'anti-corruption' task forces to investigate cops, and set them up with sting opérations. We need to do the same thing with our other public officials, and expose their willingness to sell their influence for personal gain.
If you know of criminal misconduct by the San Diego Police please report it to:
Office of Internal Affairs
Citizens Review Board
If you are afraid of retaliation, and wish to remain anonymous, contact your local professional journalist to help them publish a story on the issues.
Sunday, October 07, 2012
David Suzuki on Economics
"Economists say, if you clearcut the forests and put [the money] in the bank, you could make 6 or 7 percent. If you cut down the forests and put it into Malaysia or Papua New Guinea, you could make 30 or 40 perc
Economics is so fundamentally disconnected from the real world, it is destructive. If you take an introductory course in economics, the professor—in the first lecture—will show a slide of the economy, and it looks very impressive. They try and impress you, because they know damn well that economics is not a science, but they're trying to fool us into thinking that it's a real science; it's not.
Economics is [just] a set of values, and [they] use mathematical equations and pretend that it's a science. But, if you ask the economist, 'in that equation, where do you put the ozone layer? Where do you put the deep, underground aquifers? Where do you put top soil or biodiversity?', their answer is 'oh, those are externalities.' Well, then you might as well be on Mars! That economy's not based [on] anything like the real world. It's life, the web of life, that filters water, it's microorganisms in the soil that create the soil we can grow our food in…insects fertilize all of the flowering plants…nature performs all kinds of services…these services are vital to the health of the planet. Economists call these externalities; that's NUTS."
—David Suzuki
(★★★★) Must Watch Video ft. above quote:
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Black Atheists in America
This morning I woke to a particularly good episode of the BBC World about the issue of Black Atheism. Atheist in the US have the same problems as in most nations, alienated by the communities of faith, and ostracized for their lack of shared beliefs in the supernatural, American Atheists suffer the same social and economic bigotry, even attacks, that non-believers have always suffered. But for African-Americans, facing the double issue of American Slavery and Atheist Bigotry, they risk loosing their already marginalized Black Christian or Muslim communities for pursuit of their intellectual maturity.
What really surprised me was the quality of this radio program, and the fact that the BBC had employed an American Journalist to cover this subject on BBC World, when the BBC has regular programs about religion.
This particular episode of BBC World was quite well done. I would like to reference it when I write upon the subject of 'Faith in Reason', and the uniquely complex intellectual and emotional dilemma of Black Atheists in the USA, given our history of slavery and Christian involvement in the Civil Rights movements. I think I would very much like to meet and befriend Black American Atheists.
The fact is that Europeans in General and the British Broadcasting Corporation in particular are far ahead of the US in terms of intellectual progress, and they do not shy from difficult and obscure subjects, and the excellence of their work is well beyond anything we now have in the USA. I "thank god" there is are still progressive minds somewhere upon the Earth, but even in Brittian the complex issues of faith are under pressure and controversy as public media resources are used for religion and the question of atheism rases new conflict.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Revisit Kent State Massacre Murders
Kent State: Was It about Civil Rights or Murdering Student Protesters?
This article is from our forthcoming book Censored 2013: Dispatches from the Media Revolution and intends to expose the lies of the state in order to uncensor the “unhistory” of the Kent State massacre, while also aiming toward justice and healing, as censoring the past impacts our perspectives in the present.
The murders occurred on May 4. Two days earlier, [Ohio National Guard Adjutant General] Del Corso had issued a statement that sniper fire would be met by gunfire from his men. After the massacre, Del Corso and his subordinates declared that sniper fire had triggered the fusillade.6
Chief of Staff Bob Haldeman told him [of the killings] late in the afternoon. But at two o’clock Haldeman jotted on his ever-present legal pad “keep P. filled in on Kent State.” In his daily journal Haldeman expanded on the President’s reaction: “He very disturbed. Afraid his decision set it off . . . then kept after meall day for more facts. Hoping rioters had provoked the shootings—but no real evidence that they did.” Even after he had left for the day, Nixon called Haldeman back and among others issued one ringing command: “need to get out story of sniper.”7
This should remind us all once again that when dissent turns to violence it invites tragedy. It is my hope that this tragic and unfortunate incident will strengthen the determination of all the nation’s campuses, administrators, faculty and students alike to stand firmly for the right which exists in this country of peaceful dissent and just as strong against the resort to violence as a means of such expression.8
While I appreciate the response from the Justice Department, ultimately, they fail to examine key questions and discrepancies. It is well known that an FBI informant, Terry Norman, was on the campus. That FBI informant was carrying a gun. Eyewitnesses testified that they saw Mr. Norman brandish that weapon. Two experts in forensic audio, who have previously testified in court regarding audio forensics, found gunshots in their analysis of the audio recording. Did an FBI informant discharge a firearm at Kent State? Did an FBI informant precipitate the shootings?Who and what events led to the violent encounter that resulted in four students dead and nine others injured? What do the FBI files show about their informant? Was he ever debriefed? Has he been questioned to compare his statement of events with new analysis? How, specifically, did the DOJ analyze the tape? How does this compare to previous analysis conducted by independent sources that reached a different conclusion? The DOJ suggested noises heard in the recording resulted from a door opening and closing. What tests were used to make that determination? Was an independent agency consulted in the process?For more than a year, I have pushed for an analysis of the Strubbe tape because Kent State represented a tragedy of immense proportions. The Kent State shooting challenged the sensibilities of an entire generation of Americans. This issue is too important to ignore. We must demand a full explanation of the events.17
Whether due to miscommunication, embarrassment or an attempted cover-up, the FBI initially denied any involvement with Norman as an informant.“Mr. Norman was not working for the FBI on May 4, 1970, nor has he ever been in any way connected with this Bureau,” director J. Edgar Hoover declared to Ohio Congressman John Ashbrook in an August 1970 letter.Three years later, Hoover’s successor, Clarence Kelley, was forced to correct the record. The director acknowledged that the FBI had paid Norman $125 for expenses incurred when, at the bureau’s encouragement, Norman infiltrated a meeting of Nazi and white power sympathizers in Virginia a month before the Kent State shootings.18
There are some lingering questions that could change the way that history looks at what happened at Kent State. And I think that we owe it to the present generation of Americans, the generation of Americans that came of age during Kent, the students on campus, we owe it to the Guardsmen, who it was said opened fire without any provocation what so ever . . . we have to get to the truth.20
History never exactly repeats itself. But its currents are never far from the present. As today’s protesters and police employ bolder tactics, the Kent State and Jackson State anniversaries should remind us that deadly mistakes can and do happen. It is the government’s responsibility to wield proportionate force, not to over-arm police and place them in a position where they could panic with deadly results.22
Sunday, August 19, 2012
The Name Is a Paradox
I've put up with idiots questioning President Obama's heritage, I realize that most of them are racists who can't stand an African man having sex with a white woman to produce the President of the USA, but as there are requirements fot run for President the question itself is legitimate.
When we question everything, yet fail to question WHY we are questioning, we fail.
So, for those who can't stop hating Obama, but still want a rational end to the question. See the answer to the birthers.
Obama was born in Hawaii, 1963, and in 2012 he is 50 years old, the year 2000 was an extra year.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Honoring America's Veterans Act Signed By Obama, Restricting Westboro Military Funeral Protests
He next, let's ban free speech at all military bases, and all military contractors corporate offices. Then we can ban free speech at all the broadcast media corporations and ... what ... oh, they already do that. Hm...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Sunday, August 05, 2012
Is Brown (Act) Out in California? Time May Tell
Beginning of the end for CA:
Huffington Post reports repeal of California's 50 yr. old Public Meeting Act.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Dan Ariely on our buggy moral code (2009)
Why don't we question our intuitions? I always do, but it has social costs.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
How Privacy Has Become an Antitrust Issue
Al, I agree with you about Anti-Trust Laws, and I spoke out against AT&T's attempted acquisition of T-Mobil here in CA, but if you think having just THREE cell phone companies is better than having ONE, your kidding yourself. For real competition we need dozens, and the opportunity for new start-ups to enter their market should they fail to provide cost effective services. AT&T bought back the baby-Bells and owns both the fiber-optic back-bone infrastructure and all the networking patents, they own the internet, and the US Government (i.e. YOU) work with them to spy on American citizens via the NSA.
"But wouldn't we feel a lot more comfortable about that if we knew that market forces would act to stop such an egregious abuse of our privacy?"
On the issue of privacy, you're just plain wrong. We have no privacy, we never did. "Privacy" is the term that rich people use when they want to hide their evil deeds. If you aren't doing anything wrong, then you have nothing to fear.
Information is power. Privacy issues are about an imbalance of power, the government has the power to see all our information, knows our address, our phone number, how much money we make, where our family is, but we citizens don't have the same power over our government. The government has official secrets, but shouldn't, people shouldn't do things they don't want others to see.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Sunday, March 18, 2012
The Singularity Problem
What about the Singularity?
But wait. If man leaves scarcity behind, and thus the need for money, what about our earlier assertion that “Money…is essential to any society that we would call civil”? If society leaves money behind, won’t it thereby render society uncivil? Of course not. For when society succeeds in evolving beyond money, it will merely be doing what it did when it evolved beyond barter, only vastly more so. That is, society will increase its co-operative powers by orders of magnitude and thereby vastly increase its ability to civilize itself. No more “Getting and spending,” in other words, that “lay waste our powers.” Instead, we will be empowered to not only boldly go where no man has gone before but to become what no man has ever been before.
When will this singular event take place and “cascading technological progress” begin? It will begin when the computing power of a typical laptop today surpasses that of “One Human Brain” – roughly 2030, according to the graph below, which, ironically, is precisely when Keynes (getting virtually everything else wrong) predicted that “the economic problem” will be solved:
If so, then one has to wonder if Stephen Crane didn’t get it backwards and that his poem should therefore read as follows:
The universe said to a man,
“Sir, I exist!”
“And that fact,” replied the man,
“Has created in me
A sense of obligation.”
An obligation to what? To merely do what comes natural to him, based on his intuitive knowledge that insofar as being is, it is good, and that more being is therefore better, his own being standing at the forefront of a process of becoming that he has barely begun to grasp. Yet having dwelled long enough in that convivium – that “living together” – that he can now look back on whence he came with keen eyes, so too can he look forward, with ever keener eyes, to where he is going.
Will he in fact transcend his earthly nature and suffuse the universe with his ever-expanding intelligence? He does not know. What he does know, or at least is finally beginning to know, is that whatever transformation awaits him, it cannot happen as long as he is shackled in body and mind by the forces of nonbeing – i.e., by that which serves no other purpose than to tie him down, hold him back, and otherwise deprive him of his humanity.
And when he is ready, he will put an end to it.*
* Note to himself: mark 2030 on calendar.
Answer to the Matrix Singularity Conflict.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Bill Moers always makes me question myself
Is my rational faith in reason as the best path to truth unfounded simply because I myself am fallible? Even if I am sometimes irrational, or unreasonable, does that undermine the argument that reason is sacred? If reason is not essential to our human nature, if it is not what is essential to separate human being from all other animals, then I've been wrong all along. Even if on average, 'human nature' is basically animal nature, and the group consciousness we call democracy is subject to the vagaries of inter-subjective irrational behaviors, does that make it wrong to hold reason itself as sacred? If we fail to hold reason as the goal, as the ultimate form for which we strive, even if we are individually incompetent and only barley adequate in groups using the scientific method, then we give up on our humanism and our freedom of will. If so, we will revert to tribalism, to religion, to the darkness before the enlightenment, and we will kill our planet and its species of life by nuclear war. If social psychologist Jonathan Haidt is right, and our 'human (animal, social) nature is evolved to support war, and yet our rational consciousness is unable to reflect upon itself and adapt to the new technological reality, then we and our planet are doomed to Armageddon. The definition of heroism is to strive in the face of certain doom. Even Haidt would admit that the irrational hope that stems from our belief in our individual ability to achieve far beyond what we should reasonably expect is what gives us the psychological edge to attempt the impossible, so our goal must be to ignore the 'facts' of his social psychology and create a form of social cognitive-dissonance that ignores the cynicism, the data, and seeks to transcend our very nature and achieve the epic win, freeing ourselves from the matrix individually, and ultimately as a species. Perhaps this means evolving socially away from traditional cultures of religious fundamentalism and conservative foolishness, or just building technological safeguards and safety nets to avoid extinction. The war has begun.
Both liberals and conservatives may be insane, but liberals are less insane, because their moral views are based in rational consequences of human action rather than a supernatural religious jingoism. Liberals are crazy, but conservatives are crazy and blind.
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Magnetic Generators
Magnetic Generator To Power Your Home - Lutec Australian Proprietary Limited, Patented Model, Six-Times energy out as energy in (1250 volts out vs. 210 volts in)? Claims energy is amplified by a factor of five (20% input = 100% output, i.e. 80% free energy)? Said that they had been on a 10 year journey in 2008, and they were raising money from 'sophisticated' investors to put them on the market by 2010. They seem to be just an electric motor spinning up a balanced magnet, perhaps with gearing. What is odd is that you have to put 'energy in' constantly. If it makes more energy than it uses, then surely you could store the output in a battery for a while, then use that batter to supply the input, thus creating a perpetual motion machine. Also it seems to be working in a disk but not a vacuum.
MAGNET MOTOR L ENERGIA INFINITA GRATIS ESISTE!!!!LEGGI !! - this is a basic magnetic ramp, doesn't seem to accelerate perceptibly.
Bedini's gates - this is an example of a balanced magnet, similar to the one I first built in 2003. Here is another example of a Zero PMG that fails in English.
Magnetic Motor, Free Energy Test 1 - this is one of the first YouTube videos I came across testing the same concept, note that this uses a balanced magnetic wheel, so it doesn't generate energy. Hover this demonstrates the same learning curve I was on.
This guy actually goes through multiple models on YouTube:
- Magnet motor, free energy, overunity test 2
- Free Energy Green power Overunity Test 3 - here he seems to move to a asymmetrical magnetic ramp and get some success, because the system is no longer balanced, but there is no audio.
- 3rd generation, 2nd model Overunity FREE ENERGY green power
- FREE ENERGY MOTOR CATCHES ON FIRE! - here the machine is hooked to a battery that runs it, and he uses a home made switch presumably for switching the polarity of an external electro-magnet, but I can't seem to figure out how he intends to get energy out?
- Free energy motor test 5
Here are a couple of examples of small toy magnetic-cone motors.
a) selfrunning working permanent magnet motor
b) V Gate Perpetual Motion Toy - this is a computer model from
Then there are a series of VGATE motors that inspired my design.
VGATE#04a - I can't tell if there is much accelleration from the magnets or how the target is aligned, but it seems to be more than the energy from the finger push, so why does he stop it from spinning each revolution?
V-GATE#05d_Test01 - this Austrian engineer, Dietmar Hohl, is building heavy quality gear. Doing a lot of work on his Stratoplatte, with 12mm gap, so why does it stop every rotations?
MAGNETMOTOR DMT-01a - all his designs seem unbalanced and forced. He can't seem to stop touching them every turn.
Interviews with John Searl
Searl Electric Generator - (anti gravity?)
This computer model of a Seral Effect Generator is a more advanced Magnetic Generator apparently using electromagnetic coils wrapped around various circular permanent magnets in a pattern. I am unsure how it produces any electric energy or force since it seems balanced. Note Links:
Here is another Searl Video - where the SEG Technology is explained.
According to the information I can find online, the machine somehow uses scaler waves and guage energy to induce electomagnetic phase conjugation in a combination diode/transformer with a monopole magnet set that somehow self powers using the Lorenz Force (Right Hand Rule) like a Faraday Disk, and this pattern can be nested to increase power, as boson pairs of electron waves are emitted. The 'Hull Effect' and magnetic bearings are used to create a set of magnetic gears floating upon the eddy currents. This system somehow converts random quantum energy of the ambient environment, the machine itself is cooled, as chaotic patterns are captured unified and ordered automatically by the device. The temperature energy is turned into the ordered movement of electrons (i.e. electricity). Once the machine super-cools it becomes a superconductor, and this changes its properties in respect to the gravitational field, effectively reducing its inertia, and perhaps creating a field around it that somehow acts as inverse gravity (anti-gravity)? It is not clear weather the superconductive machine actually produces an anti-gravity field, or simply negates the existing gravity field?
Searl was an untrained scientist, nearly deaf from birth, he had learning disabilities but was apprenticed at age 14 as an electrical engineer, and may have independently developed a form of matrix algebra, and applied it to physical relationships such as magnetic fields. At 83 years old he seems to have forgotten how to build his device, but is working with others to re-discover it. To those who say you can't get energy from the ether, due to the second law of thermodynamics, John replies simply, that works only in a closed system, but this is an open system. Among some of the interesting concepts is the explanation of magnetism as a twist in two dimensions of space, and of light as electron-waves at an angle. Light (EM waves) and Magnetism are two parts of the same energy, so we might somehow separate magnetic fields into 'wavelengths' the same way we polarize light through a crystal to make a laser. It seems plausible that that a series of magnetic fields might organize quantum energy, shifting its phase and transforming it, or organizing it into a train of electrons, thus supercooling one thing to provide electric current to another. And the effects of superconducting materials are not well understood, the fourth state of matter has strange properties, and quantum effects at the macro scale might take effect?
Friday, January 06, 2012
Tesla's Little Secret
Also, he says Russell Athletic was founded in 1902?