Thursday, November 22, 2007

Bill Clinton - Why Giving Matters

Listen to the speech, and give.

Anyone who has a net worth over US$500,000, which means most American homeowners, is in the top 1% of the worlds wealth. They are responsible, they are those capabe and those who owe everyone else, because they have enough money to live off the interest on their capital wealth. They have been given the free pass on life, they don't have to work, they don't have anything to do but make something meaningful out of their lives.

Bill Clinton said something terrifying at the end of his speech. By 2050 there will be 9 Billion people on this planet. The only way to stem the tide is to educate every woman on the planet for as long as they are willing to stay in school. Because empowering women will extend the time that it takes to reproduce, decrease the number of children, and give them the intellectual resources to raise the next generation well.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hero with a Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell

To know a Hero when you see one is a gift.
I see Joseph Campbell, and I know a hero's journey.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Judgement Day - NOVA, PBS

There are forces in this world that will stop at nothing to try and enslave the minds of young people.
Do not let them fool with your kids minds, stop the evil by exposing it to the light of reason.
Watch Judgement Day, a discussion of the newest attack on Evolution by American Christian Evangelicals.

This NOVA documentary follows the case of the Dover School District in Pennsylvania, and the trial that arose from their decision to read their science students a statement mistakenly putting the belief in Intelligent Design on par with the facts of the scientific theory of Evolution.

Judge John Jones issued a 139-page ruling on the case, stating that it is unconstitutional to teach Intelligent Design as an alternative to Evolution in a public school classroom.

Listening to the best, learning with the rest.